

Maps with addresses and useful numbers

Where we are

Bettina Ponsanu’s Lakasa Real Estate Agency in Budoni is located on Via Roma, 4. Budoni is about 36 km from Olbia and about 70 km from Nuoro. It can be reached by car or bus via the S.S. 125 or via the more convenient S.S. 131.

Contact us

If you want information on apartments for sale in Budoni use our search engine or contact us for a real estate consultancy. The areas for purchasing a home in Budoni are: Agrustos, Tanaunella, Porto Ottiolu, and Colle Maiorca or within the municipalities of Siniscola, Posada, and San Teodoro.


    Do you want to sell your house?

    Send us the information about the property you want to sell and we will be happy to help you!